这使您可以覆盖整个操作,例如创建 Gemfile、README 或 JavaScript 文件,而无需了解这些操作的确切内容,以便您可以创建另一个模板操作。
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DUMMY_IGNORE_OPTIONS | = | %i[dev edge master template] |
app() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 20 def app if mountable? if api? directory "app", exclude_pattern: %r{app/(views|helpers)} else directory "app" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/assets/images/#{namespaced_name}" end empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/models/concerns" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/controllers/concerns" remove_dir "app/mailers" if options[:skip_action_mailer] remove_dir "app/jobs" if options[:skip_active_job] elsif full? empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/models" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/controllers" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/models/concerns" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/controllers/concerns" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/mailers" unless options[:skip_action_mailer] empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/jobs" unless options[:skip_active_job] unless api? empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/assets/images/#{namespaced_name}" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/helpers" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/views" end end end
bin() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 181 def bin exclude_pattern = Regexp.union([(engine? ? /test\.tt/ : /rails\.tt/), (/rubocop/ if skip_rubocop?)].compact) directory "bin", { exclude_pattern: exclude_pattern } do |content| "#{shebang}\n" + content end chmod "bin", 0755 & ~File.umask, verbose: false end
cifiles() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 69 def cifiles empty_directory ".github/workflows" template "github/ci.yml", ".github/workflows/ci.yml" template "github/dependabot.yml", ".github/dependabot.yml" end
config() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 97 def config template "config/routes.rb" if engine? end
gemfile() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 53 def gemfile template "Gemfile" end
gemfile_entry() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 189 def gemfile_entry return unless inside_application? gemfile_in_app_path = File.join(rails_app_path, "Gemfile") if File.exist? gemfile_in_app_path entry = %{\ngem "#{name}", path: "#{relative_path}"} append_file gemfile_in_app_path, entry end end
gemspec() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 61 def gemspec template "%name%.gemspec" end
generate_test_dummy(force = false) 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 122 def generate_test_dummy(force = false) opts = options.transform_keys(&:to_sym).except(*DUMMY_IGNORE_OPTIONS) opts[:force] = force opts[:skip_thruster] = true opts[:skip_brakeman] = true opts[:skip_bundle] = true opts[:skip_ci] = true opts[:skip_kamal] = true opts[:skip_solid] = true opts[:skip_git] = true opts[:skip_hotwire] = true opts[:skip_rubocop] = true opts[:dummy_app] = true invoke Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, [ File.expand_path(dummy_path, destination_root) ], opts end
gitignore() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 65 def gitignore template "gitignore", ".gitignore" end
lib() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 85 def lib template "lib/%namespaced_name%.rb" template "lib/tasks/%namespaced_name%_tasks.rake" template "lib/%namespaced_name%/version.rb" if engine? template "lib/%namespaced_name%/engine.rb" else template "lib/%namespaced_name%/railtie.rb" end end
license() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 57 def license template "MIT-LICENSE" unless inside_application? end
rakefile() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 16 def rakefile template "Rakefile" end
readme() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 49 def readme template "README.md" end
rubocop() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 75 def rubocop template "rubocop.yml", ".rubocop.yml" end
stylesheets() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 172 def stylesheets if mountable? copy_file "rails/stylesheets.css", "app/assets/stylesheets/#{namespaced_name}/application.css" elsif full? empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/assets/stylesheets/#{namespaced_name}" end end
test() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 101 def test template "test/test_helper.rb" template "test/%namespaced_name%_test.rb" if engine? empty_directory_with_keep_file "test/fixtures/files" empty_directory_with_keep_file "test/controllers" empty_directory_with_keep_file "test/mailers" empty_directory_with_keep_file "test/models" empty_directory_with_keep_file "test/integration" unless api? empty_directory_with_keep_file "test/helpers" end template "test/integration/navigation_test.rb" end end
test_dummy_assets() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 155 def test_dummy_assets template "rails/stylesheets.css", "#{dummy_path}/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css", force: true end
test_dummy_clean() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 159 def test_dummy_clean inside dummy_path do remove_file ".ruby-version" remove_dir "db" remove_file "Gemfile" remove_dir "lib" remove_file "public/robots.txt" remove_file "README.md" remove_file "test" remove_file "vendor" end end
test_dummy_config() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 140 def test_dummy_config template "rails/boot.rb", "#{dummy_path}/config/boot.rb", force: true if mountable? template "rails/routes.rb", "#{dummy_path}/config/routes.rb", force: true end if engine? && !api? insert_into_file "#{dummy_path}/config/application.rb", indent(<<~RUBY, 4), after: /^\s*config\.load_defaults.*\n/ # For compatibility with applications that use this config config.action_controller.include_all_helpers = false RUBY end end
version_control() 链接
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# File railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator.rb, line 79 def version_control if !options[:skip_git] && !options[:pretend] run git_init_command, capture: options[:quiet], abort_on_failure: false end end